Website Maintenance

Website maintenance takes many forms: updates, improvements, backups, search engine optimization (SEO) software upgrades, add-on features and more. 

BeauCreations is happy to do occasional or regular maintenance on any website in Marietta or elsewhere at an hourly rate of  $50.  For new clients, an initial retainer payment may be required.

Because clients have unique needs, BeauCreations provides estimates on maintenance, rather than a “one-size-fits-all” maintenance plan.

Rather than a maintenance plan, I give clients the opportunity to pre-purchase hours in blocks, which are discounted by $5-10 per hour.  BeauCreations will track hours and report time spent on various tasks, as usual, so you can see what you’ve paid for.

BeauCreations Pre-paid Maintenance Fees

Time block Pre-paid Rate Pre-paid Cost Regular Cost Your Savings
5 hours $45 / hr $225 $250    $  25
10 hours $42 / hr $420 $500 $  70
15 hours $40 / hr $600 $750    $150

BeauCreations Web Design, Atlanta Georgia

Suzi Beaumont at BeauCreations has done a remarkable job of getting our website updated.  We had a lot of changes that needed to be made in a short period of time, and she handled them all expeditiously, creatively, and accurately.
Kirk Alexander
CEO Teams